​​​​​welcome to the mayan ruins website .


TheMayanRuinsWebsite.com/TheMayaRuins.com does not yet have an official, multipage, legal-speak document pertaining to a privacy policy. That said, we do not share or sell any information what-so-ever pertaining to our website visitors to anyone or any other third party. The only information we retain is the email address from those who either send us a photo, in order to thank them, or those who have a question, in order that we may answer them. This info is not shared with anyone period. We have an SSL Certificate to insure the safety of our website and our visitors.

This website is maintained for data security purposes by Steve Mellard

At this time, we are a non-revenue producing, informational/educational website. If you should see any ads, offers or external links on our page, please notify us so that we can correct the issue.

TheMayanRuinsWebsite.com/TheMayaRuins.com does not use cookies. The only cookies around here are chocolate chip. Again, if you should notice cookies on our website, or any other irregularities, please notify us so that we may correct the issue.

That said, our webhost, GoDaddy.com, collects certain information that they share with us. That includes total number of visitors on monthly and yearly basis. That’s it. Please check with GoDaddy’s website for further information regarding their cookie/privacy policy at www.GoDaddy.com. Thank you, and have fun safely navigating through our website.